Supported vital post COVID Next Level Leadership event with strong awareness and lead campaign meeting goals in just 6 weeks.


registration page traffic




Publicity reach


  • A staggering 90% of Americans believe the nation faces a “crisis of leadership,” according to a recent research study. To help equip, encourage and train people to develop Biblical leadership skills and confidence, the faith-based organization, Lead Like Jesus,  created and executed a  global event to show people how to “lead like Jesus” – called the Next Level Leadership Gathering, October 2021.
  • The event featured well-known speakers in the faith-based arena, including author Patrick Lencioni, stress relief coach Lauren Miller, and Ken Harrison, CEO of Promise Keepers. Passion Music uplifted the audience and ushered them into the presence of God by leading worship.
  • LLJ hired ICC to generate broad based awareness for the event as well as drive traffic into their website for registration. 


  • Created digital ads
  • Launched digital advertising campaign on Facebook and Google Adwords
  • Consulted on the Next Level Global Gathering landing page for optimization
  • Issued press releases to Christianity Today, Christian Post, CBN, Christian Newswire
  • Generated opinion pieces to stimulate interest


  • Generated over 28,500 visits to the registration page in 6 weeks
  • Provide cost efficient leads through FB at $.57 CPC
  • Placed an Op Ed about the event with the Christian Post with a readership of 6M