For many nonprofits, the beginning of the year is a time for assessment and re-dedication. It is a time for the board to review past performance and tweak–or possibly set–goals for the coming year.

To prep the board for its assessment, many organizations prepare a year-end report. Usually, the report contains financial information and a review of outstanding work done during the year, including a few stories that demonstrate how and where the organization made a strong impact. Organizations often polish the basic information, using crisp, descriptive language and compelling photos and graphics to highlight their efforts with enthusiasm and finesse.

A carefully prepared report, though, can do more than simply brief the board on the past year. It can serve to focus the board on the organization’s mission, with an eye toward creating expanded involvement in the coming year.

A report that is succinct, eye-catching and inspiring also can serve to energize the board, staff and volunteers. Think about nonprofit organizations that inspire confidence. Often, it is their written material that either begins that process or reinforces it.

Focusing on the following elements can help transform your routine year-end report into an engaging and inspiring presentation.










One final suggestion: Get help if it is needed. While all executives are experts at describing their mission, few are experts at creating a compelling, readable recap of an organization’s yearly achievements and challenges. InChrist Communications can help clients showcase their activities in the best light.

Remember, your year-end report should highlight 2015 accomplishments while also showcasing the spirit and enthusiasm of the organization in a well-written, easy-to-understand document. If creating a report like that isn’t your expertise, then find help. It is really your future you’re talking about.


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