
Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Saying the right thing at the wrong time. Delivering a garbled message. Saying nothing at all.

These are all common public relations mistakes that can hurt your organization and its mission. Learning to recognize some typical slip-ups can help you avoid them—and the trouble they can cause.

Common PR Blunders

1. No copy. No outside sources are going to make an effort to tell your organization’s story—unless problems or a scandal put it into the spotlight. Don’t wait until reporters start calling you to let them know about all the good your organization does.


2. Sloppy copy. Press releases full of spelling errors or that raise more questions than they answer rarely get your organization the kind of attention you want. Editors will judge whether your organization deserves attention in part based on how professional your communication with them appears to be.


3. No media relationships. Reporters and editors need reliable sources in order to do their jobs. Looking for ways you can help them solve their problems will lead to relationships that can help you down the road.


4. No crisis communications plan. Day One of a corporate crisis is not the time to put together a communications plan. Staying calm is difficult when the sparks are flying and microphones are live, but it’s much easier if you’ve planned for this day in advance.


5. Ignoring visuals. Media outlets often prefer to have visual images to accompany any news they publish or post. And they typically can’t produce images that tell your organization’s story unless you provide them. In a visual age, storytelling photographs and video should be at the top of your list, not an afterthought.


6. Ignoring new media. Rapid changes in the way people get their news have radically changed the PR landscape. Your organization needs to understand and utilize these new channels of communication.



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